I know it's been a while since my last blogpost, I wish I could come up with an excuse for why it's been this long, but even if I said it was because I've been learning how to drive or going out of town, it wouldn't really be a good enough excuse for not writing a blogpost.
We haven't been having very nice weather in Norway recently and that means that I get to do my favorite activity, sitting inside all day. Ok, maybe it's not my favorite activity, but it's an excuse to watch movies and drink tea or cocoa even though it's summer.
Right now it feels weird, it does not feel like it's summer at all, but Autumn. It's not sunny or hot outside which makes it quite cold in the house, so I have started wearing sweaters and preparing for Halloween.(Yeah, I'm one of those people...)
Here are some of my favorite things to do on rainy days:
1. Watch Movies(and if it's something like Back to the Future or anything Melissa McCarthy or Dan Aykroyd is in, even better!)
2. Drinking hot drinks, which I also mentioned earlier in this post.
3. Tumblr scrolling.
4. Watch The Big Bang Theory.
5. Write.
What are Your favorite Things to do on rainy days? Leave a comment! :)
xoxo Josey